menara garden , marrakech, morocco

The Iconic Menara Gardens – A Masterpiece

An ochre building facing the snow-covered Atlas Mountains is one of the most well-liked themes on postcards from Marrakech. The Menara Gardens are located here. A destination that the locals love. The Menara Gardens cover an area of 100 hectares in the western section of Marrakech. The Almohad embellished it with olive trees at the start of the 12th century. About 3 kilometers beyond the city walls is where you’ll find the Menara Gardens. Many folks visit these parks on the weekends for a picnic in the gardens. The ideal location for a breather is close to the city’s core.

Iconic Menara Garden – Wish to Live there

Do you prefer to live apart from the clamor and bustle of Marrakech’s congested city? A large, serene park called The Menara Gardens will welcome you lovingly. The Menara Gardens’ large pool is what distinguishes it. The water supply and garden reservoir supports the numerous terraces. The city of Marrakech has customary procedures that allow water to be directed from the Atlas Mountains to the town centuries ago. The water supply to the basin is kept steady by this hydraulic system, even during the hottest summer days.

Menara Gardens has many different kinds of trees, including fruit plants, palm trees, and olive trees. The building with the green roof is what draws the visitor’s eye. The structure has two levels. Moroccan writings reflecting the creativity of the Moroccan manufacturer are used to embellish the balcony.

menara garden , marrakech, morocco

You may learn about the opulent lifestyle of sultans and princes through the stunning view of the royal garden and the basin’s waters from upstairs.

The Menara Gardens: Information You Should Know Before Going

Menara is a sizable garden where you can stroll and unwind. The airport is nearby. Additionally, there is open parking outside. The Menara Mall is a 10-minute walk away. A stroll around the pool area can take less than an hour or more if you decide to go into the olive groves. Free admission to enjoy the lake’s surroundings. Another 50 Dirhams ($5) for entering the building. Although it is not particularly fancy, it is a wonderful place to stroll through and discover its fascinating history. In the park’s center, there is free WiFi.

Menara Gardens Marrakech 5

Many things require high attention, adjustment, modernization, and cleansing. There are only little shops where you can buy drinks and tinned food; no restaurants or cafés exist. It can be awful when it gets too hot outside in the scorching sun. The olive trees don’t provide much shade. The area requires public amenities like hygienic restrooms. You might feel uneasy if two people are canoodling in the gardens.

Menara Gardens’ History as a Naval Base

The kingdom’s relations with its neighbors were only sometimes peaceful. Anyone who believes that the Menara Gardens are exclusively for strolling is mistaken. The Almohads decided to build the basin of the Menara in the eleventh century. The huge container was to hold the water required for spraying. In actuality, though, it was a swimming pool. These historical occurrences took place in 1157 AD. The Almohad Sultan Abdul Momin bin Ali Koumi commissioned the enormous tank’s foundation.

Photo Tour of Agdal Gardens

It was used to teach soldiers the fundamentals of swimming and marine arts combat. This training was conducted to prepare us to go across the Mediterranean to Andalusia. Additionally, it set up the Moroccan coast force to repel the attacks from Europe.

menara gardens marakesh

Activities at Menara Garden

The Menara Gardens offer a wide variety of recreational activities. Sit in the heart of the magnificent environment and take in the calm atmosphere. You can stroll through the garden, take in the diverse landscapes and plants, and breathe clean air. The Menara Gardens can be toured while riding a camel. You can engage in sports like jogging, football, and yoga. Enter the archaeological building and climb the rooftop to see the full garden. Within the Menara Gardens, memorial photographs are permitted everywhere. You can visit local cafes and snacks to enjoy a delectable dinner or a tasty cappuccino after the trip to the park.

A Photo Tour of Iconic Menara Garden

Entrance Time in Menara Garden

Every day from eight in the morning until seven at night, the Manara Gardens are accessible. There are also no entrance costs. From Jamea El Fanna, the park is accessible by cab or foot. On the weekends and during school breaks, many residents visit there. They enjoy going there to relax and unwind away from the bustle of the city.

When Should You Visit Menara Gardens?

We advise visiting Marrakech in the summer when it is not too hot. Late in the afternoon or extremely early in the morning. Additionally, we recommend avoiding weekends, holidays, and school breaks. Unless you enjoy being surrounded by a lot of neighborhood residents.


Menara Gardens are different from your average tourist destination. More often than not, locals use it as a haven from the chaos of the city. Nevertheless, it’s a great place for a morning stroll. Additionally, its proximity to the airport might make for the ideal final stop before returning your rental automobile and taking off.

More about Menara Garden:

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